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Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods or material through a pipe. Liquids and gases are transported in pipelines and any chemically stable substance can be sent through a pipeline. Pipelines exist for the transport of crude and refined petroleum, fuels – such as oil, natural gas and bio fuels – and other fluids including sewage, slurry, and water. Pipelines are useful for transporting water for drinking or irrigation over long distances when it needs to move over hills, or where canals or channels are poor choices due to considerations of evaporation, pollution, or environmental impact.

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Petrochemicals, also called petroleum distillates, are chemical products derived from petroleum. Some chemical compounds made from petroleum are also obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as corn or sugar cane. The two most common petrochemical classes are olefins (including ethylene and polypropylene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene and xylene isomers). Oil refineries produce ole fins and aromatics by fluid catalytic cracking of petroleum fractions. Chemical plants produce ole fins by steam cracking of natural gas liquids like ethane and propane. Aromatics are produced by catalytic reforming of naphtha. Ole fins and aromatics are the building-blocks for a wide range of materials such as solvents, detergents, and adhesives. Ole fins are the basis for polymers and oligomers used in plastics, resins, fibers, Elastoplast, lubricants, and gels.

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An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units. In many ways, oil refineries use much of the technology of, and can be thought of, as types of chemical plants. The crude oil feed stock has typically been processed by an oil production plant. There is usually an oil depot (tank farm) at or near an oil refinery for the storage of incoming crude oil feed-stock as well as bulk liquid products.

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Energy supply is one basic thing in water treatment. Energy derived from oil, coal or nuclear power is getting more difficult to access day by day because of the rising prices, pollution of the environment, health risks and availability.
With the increasing supports from the government the renewable energies become more attractive.
With wind, sun power and biomass it is possible to produce cheap, environmental friendly energy which has endless resources and is available for even isolated areas. MENA-Water offers you solutions for an independent energy supply with wind turbines, solar panels and biogas plants.
MENA-Water offers solutions for independent energy supply with
Wind Turbine,
Solar Plants

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Wastewater Treatment

MENA-Water provides systems and equipment for the treatment of municipal wastewater. We provides services, turn-key plants and equipment for the treatment steps of municipal wastewater. The treatment processes may vary to physical, chemical and biological treatment. Our product range is covering all this machinery.

Advanced Treatment Technologies – As the demand for clean water has grown, it has become more important to produce cleaner effluents of wastewater. Advanced technologies can be used as extensions for conventional secondary biological treatment for further stabilization of oxygen-demanding substances in wastewater or removing nitrogen and phosphorus and salt.
The MENA-Water Container MBR Plant is using the biological active sludge process in combination with MBR filtration process. This results in very short realization time and maximum at flexibilities.

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Treatment Of Norm Contaminated Sludge & Soil From The Petroleum Industry

The process with which radioactive waste known as TENORM (technically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials) is effectively shielded and stabilized in one process, is not only possible and effective, but also repeatable and adjustable by licensing our patent pending mitigation technology. The success rate is 100% shielding of the resulting material, only reaching background radiation levels (i.e. non-detectable level of approximately 3-4 pCi/g).

Using specific grades of aggregates and commonly available minerals, the process consists of a simple mixing of these components with the waste material. The dry, aggregates may be stored in a similar manner to concrete aggregates so no refrigeration or temperature controlled environment is required. The mixing process simply requires blending with the addition of a modest amount of general grade (non-potable) water. The result is a concrete-type material which is allowed to set and harden in a mold, within normal atmospheric conditions (no furnace or heat process is necessary). 

The mixing proportions can be adjusted to suit both the volume/proportion of the TENORM being processed, while also allowing for custom blend proportions for TENORM of varying picocurie levels well into the 10s of thousands of picocuries per gram. Mixing may be done in small batches or may be scaled-up to meet larger volumes as needed. Equipment used to mix these materials is the same as traditional concrete mixing equipment as the materials used are virtually identical in weight and slump viscosity, therefore not requiring specialized equipment, such as anti-explosion or anti-sparking systems, as materials are noncombustible and non-explosive in nature. 

The process results in a solid cast of very dense concrete. When subjected to high magnification under microscopic testing, a highly complex crystalline structure is detected. After material is allowed to fully cure, it may be tested immediately, resulting in non-detectable levels of radiation verifiable via whichever means of detection is preferred. 

Our N.O.R.M. Treatment intellectual property is a “recipe” or better said a formulation of low-cost minerals & substances which render the waste materials harmless when combined in a simple mechanical process. The resulting material is able to be reincorporated into road filling materials, general landfill waste or other general purposes that aggregates are used for.